Thursday, May 12, 2016

Stardate 23441

I have been thinking about the question of what it means to be fully alive for many years. back in the mid 80's when I was exploring possible topics for my dissertation that as one possible questions I looked at. However at the time it seemed an impossible question to attempt to answer, at least in that context as a then 34 year old.

More recently a good friend in his mid 80s has been diagnosed with metastatic cancer and we have been talking regularly as he faces the possibility of his own death. I have been impressed by how centred and comfortable he seems to be in himself as he goes through this experience, especially how present he is in the moment with me and other friends and family members he is in touch with.
I was struck with the importance of living each day as fully as possible in the face of my own mortality. I decided to start this blog as a way to explore this idea.

As of today I am 23,441 days old and if I am extremely fortunate I may live another ten thousand days, but even another seven or eight thousand would be nice. This morning my teenage daughter said she hoped I would live long enough to meet my grandchildren. I replied that isn't really in my control, though her current plan to marry fairly young and have four children may help, we will see!

In the meantime I am faced with everyday life as what I call a geriatric parent. My kids definitely keep me on the ball and I get great satisfaction from my role in their lives, be it giving them rides to school in the morning, helping with homework or listening to their interests and troubles.

I have been semi retired for several years due to some health issues, but am excited to do more writing and involved in the lives of family and friends. I have been taking short walks several times a day, when possible by the ocean and appreciating the colours and sounds and smells around me more.